Sunday, July 10, 2016

Rest In Peace Mom

My brother Alex, my Mom Kim & myself at her 50th birthday celebration.
This is a dedication to my mother Kim Collins (Roberts), who passed away on 30 June 2016 at the age of 58. She was born in 1958.

The second time the cancer came knocking, we got her on the cannabis oil & we were overjoyed when it worked. She was so brave, as you may or may not know cannabis is still illegal in South Africa; nonetheless, she went on national television with her story about the Phoenix Tears:

Unfortunately not all the cancer was eradicated & it came back a year later after my beloved Mom had stopped taking the oil. This time it was too late.

I wrote this piece to be read at her memorial service today at the Bluff National Park Golf Club back in my hometown of Durban, South Africa:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hello all, greetings from Tofino, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.. the other side of the world. It has been about eight years since I was in South Africa, since I saw my mother, Kim. Not having been able to come back home & be by her side for the last few months has been most painful to say the least, but a mere nothing compared to what she has had to deal with.

Kim is, was & always will be Bat's & my Mother; a more wonderful woman we could not have asked for. I know that all of you sitting here today know how amazing she was so I'm not going to just go on about how freaking amazing she was, as well as crazy beautiful. I'm not going just waft on & on about how random guys would pop out of nowhere with bouquets of flowers & silly grins while she was dragging us kids around town, shopping. I'll also not ramble on about how she kicked ass at everything she tried, like starting at her company as a book-keeper back when I was early days Glenwood High & owning the same company by the time I was out of school; or the time she tried golf, and was Ladies team captain next thing I heard. No, I'll just say that she was the light in our lives, holding everything together. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to go on without her. I would not have been in such a rush to leave home had I known she would be leaving us so soon. I definitely would have stayed.

Please forgive me for not being there today, I wish things were different & that I could deliver this speech in person, that I could be at home celebrating our Mom's life together today at this memorial. I am sure I would recognize most of you from my childhood on the Bluff, and to you all I would like to give a huge thanks for being such an integral part of her life. She loved her friends & had quite a social life while I was growing up, I'm sure that never changed. She loved her family too & let me tell you, did she know how to make a birthday or Christmas seem like the most magical experience- She loved making those celebrations unforgettable to us kids & I hope to continue that tradition in her honour when its my turn.

Desre told me that my Mom really wanted to see me find the woman I want to marry & start a family with. Just when my Mom was getting sick again there for the last time, I got engaged. I don't know if she heard the news, I hope she did. Next year I'll be marrying the most wonderful woman I've met out here, the daughter of a violin-maker, the bass player in my band, Carina Mach. A beautiful Love. I've finally found a safe & beautiful place to raise a family, so I plan to do just that, and in so doing, to carry the memory of the most beautiful South African Queen, our beloved mother Kim Collins into a new generation on the other side of the world.

A few days after Mom passed, my sweet Carina & I went into the mountains to write a song for her. I've been in the studio recording it since we got back. Carina just laid the bass down this morning, Pacific time. It's called Mother Garvies:

In Loving Memory of our beloved Kim Collins.
We will always remember you Mom.

Friday, June 03, 2016

The Cleanse Continues and The Wheel of Life Turns..

To give you all an update on how that month of purification came & went. My first observation is that I am still here in 3D. I did not disappear, I did not go 4 or 5D; at least not that I can consciously remember. I did learn however that much ground-work besides purification of the body is needed for any of that ;)

Continuing on from the last post, I kept on with the God-food diet, consuming massive amounts of nuts, fruit, leaves & roots through the grinder; at night I'd make a big mix of beans, rice & vegetables sprinkled with a bit of turmeric & curry powder. I was averaging a bottle of oil a week with the broken hip, glued to the couch thing; I consumed many good youtube videos, some gaia tv and a couple epic books, of which I am still devouring.. I  kept my mind busy with the things I love, matters of spirituality, health & wellness, science, the real history of Man & a whole lot of Oneness was brought into my meditation through the avenues of those mentioned as well as the people that came to visit, to help a broken guy out with errands, shopping etc; that community vibration was a key to unlocking some pieces of my heart chakra that were still closed.

That community vibe morphed into another heart-expanding passage in time when I was blessed with my first skype call with my Mom. I found out though the blissfully sweet interaction that he cancer had returned with a vengeance. This was shocking of course, but the beauty of a video call sometimes is... Nonetheless, this news really pulled a number on me & I found myself doing some kind of online shamanic healing session through my friends & my facebook.. I felt things in that meditation that I'd never felt before in terms of connectedness & unity. I could really feel us all holding hands & sending Love to our Loved Ones..

I began the three day liquids only diet on about the 23rd of May, and that is where shit got real. I would grind up some kind of fruit or vegetable & strain the contents with some water & honey. One of those every two or three hours with a coffee enema every day (which got easier & easier).

The day I broke the fast was the day my Queen came home from overseas after a month & boy was it good to see her! I imagine it must have been quite shocking for her as I'd lost a ton of weight.. But am happy to report I made it all the way through the entire month without eating any bread or meat, pasta or dairy (obviously, and that will continue as I'm completely lactose intolerant now).. I did not drink any beer or wine or smoke any tobacco. I slept in my golden ratio pyramid aligned to the magnetic points and drank water that had spent the night in there with me. I have a splash of ormus every morning & a few drops of mms before bed. I've added colloidal silver, vitamin c, iodine & trace minerals to my daily supplemental intake of vitamin d, k1 & k2, magnesium & calcium & omega oils..

I did not heal my hip in time to surf the Rip Curl Pro which came & went while I was still on the crutches, which was the whole point of this if I look at it honestly lol, But I did happen to reset my immune system and show myself just exactly what all those things I love so much (getting drunk & blazed & playing songs in pubs & clubs) are doing to my immune system. That's where its all at, keep the immune system humming & your good to go for miles..

So I did break the fast, but not the diet. I will continue to eat the God-food only, but will enjoy a bit of meat here & there as I feel my body wants it. I will make sure I eat as many leafy greens as possible every day to keep my body more alkaline. I will continue to blaze my joints :) but they will remain clean & I'll be leaving the tobacco in the past. My beloved Mother, as I've just found out is on her way out of this world, there on the other side of the world, and I can't do shit about it. She said in our one & only skype call ever that it was the ciggarettes & her acidic lifestyle that has stopped the oil from working the third time round. I totally regret not seeing her in the last 7 years Oh my God. Thank you Mom, for raising me so well, to feel compassion for others as I do & to always believe in myself, I wish you'd taught me how to make $ like you do but :/
So much love Mom.
Always, so much love.
Your Daz.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

May Purification Sessions

Wow, it's the 15th.. This means I'm halfway through my intended cleanse. I'm going to document it here in case there is at least one person that is interested in cleansing themselves for more of that vital power to break through their illusions.

 So, the cleanse, I've stuck to it like glue, even though I've been on the crutches (ooooh power-pun) since the 4th. It started off with my first jam-night with no alcohol or smoking in like a million years, followed up by a gig the next night, the first ever without beer & smoking... It felt so strange but I pushed through. The ultimate challenge was getting through the broken hip experience without resorting to my usual numbing the senses with the usual beer & smoking.. Had to graze some painkillers for the first week of hip injury but besides those little items its been mostly God-food in my mouth for 2 weeks now. The only processed foodstuffs I've been grazing are the almond milk, the vitamins D, D3, K1, K2, omega oils & calcium & magnesium and a couple drops of the sacred oil here & there.. (Actually I've been going to town on it, don't tell anyone lol) Fruit & nut laden smoothies for breakfast, salads for lunch (not so lekker in smoothie yuk) & beans rice & salad for dinner. No meat, no salt & pepper, no sugar, no coffee, nothing that can't be plucked from a tree, bush or a bee-hive.. Lots of water... Every second night I drink a few drops of activated chlorine dioxide & every third morning I hit a coffee enema. Yep I've reversed the coffee situation & am loving the glutathione intake.. but the nausea is crazy for the 30 mins but after that is when your eyes start glowing ;) I've taken the same approach to what goes into my mind & heart, filtering out all the useless judgement ego garbage & keeping only what resonates as Oneness, and filling my mind up with amazing reads, listens, keeping myself occupied with all the sacred texts I can find. Have been on the hunt for the real history of man, which I can say has led me to the next level, the possibility of 4D.. Whoaaa :) I built an 8ft pyramid out of masking tape & string upstairs (just before the wipe-out) to honour the ascended masters (Thoth, Ra and Araragat) & am creating a sacred meditation space up there which I might have to take outside when my Queen gets back lol.. 15 more days to go & I'm feeling good! Will probably do a 3 day fast in the next week or so, just strained fruit-juice, honey & water... But the sacred space has to be ready for that!

Thanks to you splendid creatures that have helped me out so much while I've been injured by going shopping for me & running my errands etc, I love you guys & girls muchly!

All is One, All is Well!

A Forgiveness Ceremony!

Inspiration has struck.
A Forgiveness Ceremony!
Endless oceans of wealth, free!
Polarity is so strange, how can it be? Does this strangeness come from the way we were trained to think, perhaps that out-dated social conditioning we found ourselves wrapped in - with all respect to the Ancestors, I strip myself of it. Those twelve years of programming! Oh my hat, I want my childhood back, you wasted all my time, made me jump through your hoops, put me up to your tricks because I was so allowing, so trusting that all those grown-ups know better because they paved the way but I bet they were just praying, trying to get through another day but your tricks were fine-cut through the ages, sharp as a diamond. Sign up, pay up & keep shopping, we'll take care of everything sit back & do your taxes. You confused us for life & tried to turn us against each other & our hearts to stone but aye these stones are Crystal Skulls Remembering & I remember. Beyond your gates of confusion, your Elite Illusion, I remember now, just how to be & remain, in wonder & insane, shining like the sun so I can claim, my chariot of geometric flame to burn away that old pain, that sorrow, so I forgive and bless You, not tomorrow, You who is I, in my glowing eyes but Today, maybe still sleeping or just in the dark but right here, right now I forgive You, for Life is for Giving so here I am right now My God, in service of The Light, The Highest Good of All, Once & for All, for All is One & All Is Well! So be it, so it is & so we came to be..