It is the beginning of the second half of the most auspicious year I've known and I'm feeling strange, as usual. It seems people are finally becoming aware enough to recognize the death-twitches of the old world system; it's last few grabbing gasps, begging for believers. There are still but a few spiral-eyed followers, still swallowing the false news on the mainstream; still wallowing in separation. As for us out here unwrapping the new present, unfolding into terminals of love & light rainbows, connecting dimensions, mixing holograms with footprints; we are dusting off our carbon & cliff-diving into 5D. Its that freedom I've always felt approaching, like the chattering hoot of the Transcontinental; it's rumble grows. I am human, and that is my ticket.
We are free sentient beings born unto the Earth. She is my mother & the Sun is my father. The people are my brothers & sisters, all people of all cultures. In the real world view there is no separation. Open transparent truth is our tongue. Uplift yourself by uplifting those around you. Change everything for the highest good of the All, with the deconstruction of all non-serving entities operating on profit over people principles, the redistribution of the Earth's bounty in accordance with the needs of each territory & it's beings. All countries become territories & borders & military endeavors are shut down forevermore. Sustainable organic farming spreads as fast as the real history of mankind is released through the redesigned media industry now based on truth & the upliftment of all. All life now thrives & everyone, no matter who they are, can go wherever they want on the Earth & know that every being they meet along in their journey will help them along in their way & care for whatever need that may arise in their desire to live their highest truth.
No more feeding the system, feeding the corporations & governing parties that seek to keep you paying to live. Thats poison on the shelves, time-bombs that you can't point fingers at. It is merely left-overs holding up the smoldering hologram anyway, change is unavoidable and totally embraceable.
Bob Marley sketch in pencil, coloured digitally. |
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